Visual Arts
Artist's Statement
The "Patterns" series references patterns and roles acceptable and unacceptable for women as debated during the candidacy of Hillary Clinton and as shown by the treatment of not only her, but other women who supported her. Actual tissue sewing patterns have been used in the collages. This honors my mother who sewed for 3 daughters while working as a secretary and who was qualified for so much more. She was instrumental in the success of the men she worked for. Like a lot of baby boomer women, I have been recently reminded of the restraints I faced as a woman and what has changed in my lifetime. This has made me think more about my mother and how much talent, organization and drive she had and what limitations she faced. When I started law school, there were 15 women out of 750 law students. The women were expected to do the refreshments for the faculty student reception. We decided to quit that tradition. So, when Hillary said she could have stayed home and baked cookies, I was with her and have understood the barriers she has faced as a woman ever since. She has paid for not knowing her place and speaking out. Even though the election was in 2016, it generated a backlash that caused the notion that women should keep to their place to emerge stronger than ever from some, while causing many, many women to react and fight back. So, this series continues and is not over. |
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